Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Day, Daddy Daughter Dance, taxes, and basketball highlighted this week.

"Will you be my date?" Claire and her dad got all dressed up for the Daddy Daughter Dance sponsored by the park district.

Claire shows off her beautiful wristlet corsage.

Princess Claire at the ball.

Claire with Ainsley, the Champaign County Fair Queen
Valentines Day is not a good day to start preparing Federal Income Taxes.  By the end of the day we were too stressed to go out for a romantic dinner.  So later in the week we went to Escobar for lunch. 
I couldn't resist taking this photo of Hubby playing with his iPhone while we waited for lunch---just shows what 40+ years can do to romance.

Will started basketball several weeks ago, but we've missed a lot of his games because we were in Florida.

Will, right, guards his opponent.

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