Friday, February 11, 2011

We returned from our Florida get-away to find a lot of snow. I decided not to post any snow pictures because I’m sure everyone has seen enough snow and is ready for spring’s warmer temps and some sunshine.

Will gave his report on Benjamin Franklin this week, a week late because of three missed snow days last week. When we were there for a visit he put on his costume and gave us a dress performance of what he had prepared.

Claire poses with "Ben".

I got up at 3 AM EST on February 3 to order our new iPhones and was glad I did, since the demand exceeded the supply and was exhausted by 5 AM.  They arrived on Monday, and we are becoming “iPhone junkies”.

Mine is on the left and Hubby's on the right. I've added pix and music to mine and created my own ringtone. 

We purchased this souvenir at one of the gift shops on Fifth Avenue in Naples.  We hung it yesterday, and I think it is beautiful.  A touch of the ocean and beach right here at home!!

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