Friday, February 25, 2011

Our friends, Paul and Terri Miller of Mason, MI invited us to go to the Michigan State - Illinois game on Saturday evening, February 19th.  The Spartans beat the ILLINI, but our hell had only just begun.

The courthouse on the town square in Mason.

This bear greeted us in his Fighting ILLINI t-shirt.
We parked in a parking garage some distance from Breslin Center and then rode this bus to the game.

The fans were friendly, but the intrigue here was riding in a very long articulated bus.
Paul, Terri, Me, and Hubby at the game.

During the singing of the National Anthem, this large flag was unrolled by the National Guard and held to make it look like it was waving.

The ILLINI take the floor.
       The following day Paul took us to Hell (as if we hadn't had enough).

Sign in Gregory pointing the way.

Here we are in Hell, Michigan.
 Hell's Kitchen, Hell in a Handbasket, and Hell Canoe and Kayak rental.
Hell, Michigan Post Office
Dam Site Inn in Hell.

On our return from Hell, we saw these Sandhill Cranes in the field.  They are large migratory birds which we thought were a sign of Spring.  However, upon leaving Mason later that day, it was snowing heavily.  We later drove out of the snow into heavy rain.  When we got to Central Illinois, it was 52 and dry.  What a weather change!!

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