Thursday, March 03, 2011

Our grandkids participate in a lot of activities, and we enjoy
watching them.  This week Caelin sent a video of her dance routine for a talent show at her school.  Teagan has been playing volleyball for several months, but this was the first game we had been able to go to.  Will's basketball season is just about over, but we can see lots of improvement in these young players.
Caelin is on the far left in the beginning of this video.

Teagan is far right in this photo.

Heritage lost to Holy Family.
Will guarding:  "No basket for you."

Will dribbling the ball.

Jakey brought "Woody" to the game.

The Amazeen's neighbor, Lisa, won a fishing excursion at the James River, Hopewell VA.  She invited Caelin to go with her.  Caelin caught this 36 lb, 40" catfish.

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