Friday, August 06, 2010

Part 2 (the rest of the story)

Now that the crates fit, the ends of the underlayment and liner are pulled forward to cover them.

Holes are drilled in a flexible covered barrel, and it is positioned in the retention basin to hold the pump.

The "fall box" is positioned, and the stream bed formed.

The rubber liner is positioned in the stream bed and around the "fall box".
Cole and Jackson carry rocks in a cloth sling to position them around the stream.

Gary plumbs and sets the "fall box".

Jackson and Cole attach the piping to the downspout to run rainwater to the retention basin.

Gary attaches the pump to the "fall box" water line and sets it in the barrel, while Cole throws rocks to Jackson to be set in and around the stream.
Setting the rocks and stone around the water feature.

It takes stones of many sizes to complete the project.

The retention basin is filled, and the pump is turned on for the first time and. . . YUCK!! it looks so gross!!
Hubby sets the arbor and stepping stone path with my help.  The plants are waiting to be planted.
After the pump runs for several hours, the water clears up.  Hmmm . . . much better.
The finished product.

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