Thursday, August 12, 2010

A memorial service was held at Flora Community Church to honor the life of
Suzanne Vowles Buffington on Saturday, July 31.  After the service we enjoyed refreshments and fellowship in the church basement.
Hubby, Diane, Bud, Janet, and Charlene
Sue's eldest sister, Margie Martin (second from right) with her friends, Betty Smith, Margie, and Eileen

Angela, Brett (Sue's son), and June (Sue's sister)

Sue's nephew, Mike Martin, and wife Lynn

Sue's only grandchild, Hailey, with her mom, Cheri
Clayton (Sue's older son) and June
Doris, Jerry, and Diane
Charlene and Margie

Aunt Virginia Vowles, center, with her sister Beverly, left, and Diane


Charlie is the new addition in the St Charles Townsend household.  He is a 3-month old Shih-poo, and I understand John is thrilled to have a brother.

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