Thursday, August 19, 2010

It is the End of Summer and school starts tomorrow.  On Sunday we witnessed lots of gymnastics, and yesterday we visited the Illinois State Fair for Agriculture Day.

Jakey enjoys a toss in the air and almost goes out of photo range.
Jakey gets in a few kicks with the soccer ball, so he can have a few more "air tosses".

Jakey, Claire, and Will pose for a "back-to-school" photo.  Claire will start kindergarten and Will moves to second grade on Thursday.  Jakey will be going to daycare all by himself.
Claire shows us how to do cartwheels.

In this video Claire teaches her dad cartwheels.  Dad says he wants a "do-over".

The "butter cow" is always a popular attraction at the State Fair.

This 1962 Corvair truck is one of only 110 made that year.  Corvair made trucks from 1962 to 1964.

My first car was a red 1960 Corvair coupe with an engine in the back.  I had that car 3 years.  I didn't know they made a truck and was surprised to see this on display at the fair.

The Sky Glide is shown spanning the fairgrounds.

If you enjoy thrill rides, I'm sure you'd find something here to make your heart beat real fast.

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