Sunday, January 30, 2011

We've been spending a lot of time at the beach.  Some days there's a lot of activity there and other days just a few old folks like us.  The beach is 6 blocks from where we are staying, so that has been our daily walk.  Along the way there are many nice homes and beautiful landscaping.  As we get closer to the beach, there are condo buildings.

Hubby walks ahead along Banyan Blvd.

This is one of the condo buildings we walk by along the way.  It is a block from the beach and has some units for sale.  We wonder what they're like on the inside, and dream of owning one.

This mailbox has some green foliage with orange tubular blooms.

Backyard full of orange trees.
Sign to public park entrance as we approach the beach.

This was one of the cooler, cloudy days at the beach.  The guys in the background were shootin' the breeze and tossin' a football. 
A large group of kids was there from either a school or daycare center.  These boys were playing with a beachball that kept blowing away from them.

Remnants of a sandcastle.

Me in my new swimsuit on the beach.

Hubby relaxin' on the beach with our dream condo in the background.

Colorful beach umbrellas, beach chairs, swimgear, and if you look closely, flying kites.

Sunset on the beach at Lowdermilk Park.

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