Monday, December 06, 2010

The weatherman was forecasting 1-3 inches of snow on Friday night, but it was more like 6-8 inches when we got up Saturday morning.  It was a beautiful sight!  After clearing off the driveway, we went to the Courier Cafe for breakfast where Santa made a surprise appearance. 

The waterfall covered in snow.

Our house with some of the Christmas lights on after the snow.

Measuring the snowfall on our deck railing.

Santa greets us at the Courier.

The Courier Christmas Tree
Even though it is close, we had never been to Hardy's Reindeer Ranch.  So Saturday afternoon we made a trek there to see the reindeer.
Hardy's Reindeer Ranch

They also sell Christmas trees, either precut or you can cut your own.  This family was loading their tree while we were there.

Reindeer grow new antlers every year.  This one was about ready to shed his current ones.

These were the tallest antlers that we saw.

This one had shed his antlers, but not yet started new ones.

Me standing in front of the "Antler Arch" made of discarded antlers.

Christmas trees waiting to be taken home.

Gift Shop at Reindeer Ranch

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