Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas is coming!!  This week Jakey's class had their Christmas Program.  These two year olds were too enthralled by their audience and didn't sing, but they had big smiles when it was all over.  Will went to ILLINI baseball camp at the university.  We stopped by to see what he was learning, but he put his ball mitt in front of his face and wouldn't let me take his picture.  EJ Water held their annual Christmas Party at Richard's Farm in Casey.  We were entertained by Steve Barcellona, a magician from St. Louis.

Jakey with his class looks around while their teachers lead them in song.

The pressure is off; now I can smile.
Baseball Camp at the Armory.  Will is far right in orange.

Are you ignoring me, Will?
Dropping balls in the pitching machine.
Steve Barcellona warming up the crowd.
Sandy assisting with a rope trick.
Hubby assisting Steve with his "sport jacket" trick.
Locking the handcuffs, good and tight!
Holding the screen.

After first attempt, Steve has the jacket half off.
Then it's backwards.

Finally . . . it's off, but on his head!

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