Monday, November 29, 2010


Deven, Mason, and Makenna
Thanksgiving Buffet

"My Three Sons" and me
Makenna meets Charlie

"The Girls"-Kathleen, Deven, Gracie, and Claire

Gracie, Claire, and Deven

Makenna gets a little puppy kiss.

"Game Boys"-Austin, Mason, Will, and John.  Deven drawing.

Gracie and Dad

Seinfeld fans:  Is it a "scratch" or a "pick"?

Tiggie and Claire dancing

"The Tryptophan effect"

Claire, Charlie, and Patti

Jakey riding the horse Gracie gave him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The weather has gotten colder, and I'm longing for the warm days of Summer.  Last Tuesday night I noticed we didn't have any hot water, and upon further examination, we didn't have any heat either.  After several attempts to solve the problem, we called the heating technician.  He had us try several things, but none worked.  After stating $147/hour after hours call, we decided to wait until morning, and they would call us.  When they did call, he couldn't get to us until afternoon.  Since we had planned on going to Rockford for lunch, we continued our plans.  After all, you can't do much without heat or hot water.

Christmas at Cherryvale Mall.

Margie and Bud
"Double Trouble"

Aunt Margie, Ron, and Doris
On our return trip home, we stopped in Mahomet for Will's football game.  We had to bundle up to keep warm.
Kate -"snug as a bug in a rug"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We attended the ILLINI/Minnesota game on a cold, windy, and wet Saturday.  The ILLINI suffered a painful, frustrating loss to Minnesota 38-34.  Prior to the game we enjoyed the Ag Day brunch in the Ag tent.  Senior Day and Dad's Day were also observed during the game. 

Macy and Kaitlynn were at the Ag Day tent and let me take their picture.  Townsend kids: Do you know who their mother is?  (see below for answer)

Hubby (center) with college friend Dave Duncan and his wife Marcia.
Mason and Daren trying to stay warm at the game.

The students at Sangamon invited over 60 veterans to participate in their Veterans Day program.  They talked about the significance of Veterans Day, sang songs, and thanked the vets for their service.
Claire(third from left in back)came in with her Kangaroo Kids class for the Veterans Day Program.

 Mr. Cabutti speaks to a full cafeteria on the meaning of Veterans Day.
Each veteran introduced themselves and introduced the student who had invited them.

Jerpa announced that Will had invited him.  He was so proud!

Sangamon School surrounded by Fall finery.

Makenna gives her daddy a big smile, even when the rest of us can't coax one out of her.

Teagan plays a tune for us on her trombone.  She's improving.

Kissin' cousins, Deven and Jakey.

Jakey loves holding Makenna, but she's not quite so sure.
Matt and Kim Buckert Deblock are the parents of the girls at the top of the page. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Will and Claire participated in basketball camp recently.  We were able to attend the last night to see what they had learned.  Will is playing flag football.  We've missed several of his games bacause of conflicts with the Fighting ILLINI.  However, last weekend we saw him make two interceptions and a catch for three TD's. 

Since Dad is mandatory on Mondays for the next three weeks, I met Will and Claire at their bus stop and walked them home.  AND Patti?  She lost something this week that she no longer needed . . . and maybe she never did!

Claire was the only girl on her team.

Will shooting baskets

Will intercepted a pass . . . .

AND runs for a TD.

Will catches a pass for another TD.

Patti before losing her appendix.

Claire getting off the bus.

After getting off the bus, Will tells me not to take his picture.

Taking a slow walk home on a nice day.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

 Mahomet Halloween Parade last week was entertaining.  The kids dressed in costumes of a character they had read about.  Illinois beat Purdue on Saturday at Memorial Stadium, and we tailgated with our old neighbors, the Furrers, along with the Goldensteins.

Mrs. Kennedy, Will's teacher, as Cruella Deville.

Claire was a beautiful Monarch butterfly.
Dressed as a US Soldier, Will carries the book he read.
Derek and Aimee masqueraded as Gilligan and Mary Ann.

Makenna dressed as the flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz.

AND Deven was "Dorothy" wearing the beautiful ruby slippers.

My cousin's daughter, Karen, and husband, John, dressed as the baker and the bun in the oven.

Mason, as a scarecrow, with his little sisters, Deven and Makenna.

Charlie, dressed as a football, is ready to go "trick or treat" with the St Charles Townsends.
Will with his dad at the ILLINI vs Purdue game .

Hubby, John, and Ron cooking our burgers and brats at the tailgate.

Marcia and Linda relaxing in the motorhome.  It was very cold and windy outside.

Ron, Hubby, and John cooking for us.

The Purdue band forms the "Boilermaker Special".