Thursday, November 11, 2010

Will and Claire participated in basketball camp recently.  We were able to attend the last night to see what they had learned.  Will is playing flag football.  We've missed several of his games bacause of conflicts with the Fighting ILLINI.  However, last weekend we saw him make two interceptions and a catch for three TD's. 

Since Dad is mandatory on Mondays for the next three weeks, I met Will and Claire at their bus stop and walked them home.  AND Patti?  She lost something this week that she no longer needed . . . and maybe she never did!

Claire was the only girl on her team.

Will shooting baskets

Will intercepted a pass . . . .

AND runs for a TD.

Will catches a pass for another TD.

Patti before losing her appendix.

Claire getting off the bus.

After getting off the bus, Will tells me not to take his picture.

Taking a slow walk home on a nice day.

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