Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The weather has gotten colder, and I'm longing for the warm days of Summer.  Last Tuesday night I noticed we didn't have any hot water, and upon further examination, we didn't have any heat either.  After several attempts to solve the problem, we called the heating technician.  He had us try several things, but none worked.  After stating $147/hour after hours call, we decided to wait until morning, and they would call us.  When they did call, he couldn't get to us until afternoon.  Since we had planned on going to Rockford for lunch, we continued our plans.  After all, you can't do much without heat or hot water.

Christmas at Cherryvale Mall.

Margie and Bud
"Double Trouble"

Aunt Margie, Ron, and Doris
On our return trip home, we stopped in Mahomet for Will's football game.  We had to bundle up to keep warm.
Kate -"snug as a bug in a rug"

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