Friday, October 08, 2010

I have so many great pix from reunion weekend it was hard to choose which ones to post.  Because of our trip to Virginia Beach, we missed the homecoming parade on Thursday evening.   On Friday evening  we attended the Nomadds reunion concert at the Masonic Temple in Freeport. We saw many old friends and listened to the "oldies".  The alumni breakfast on Saturday morning had many classes represented.  Kenny Hess took the Class of 1960 on a tour of the high school.  Saturday evening was the reunion banquet at the Old Hotel in Warren, and on Sunday morning we said our good byes at the class breakfast at Karen's in Stockton.
Class of 1960 poses for photo during the Alumni Breakfast.  Judy and Carolina "ham it up" kissing Kenny's bald head.

Class of 1965 at the Alumni Breakfast

Class of 1955 at the Alumnni Breakfast

Jerry with John O'Boyle, assistant coach and teacher in 1960.

The Class of 1960 remembers while sitting in the desks in one of the classrooms.

Jerry and I pose with pumpkins in the Ag Dept. while on the tour.

SHS Class of 1960 full of fun and frolic in the Courtyard of the Old Hotel.

Carol, Marcie, and Clayton remembering the past.

Dennis, Carolina, and Kenny

TO BE CONTINUED . . . . . .

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