Thursday, September 16, 2010

We've enjoyed a lot of "kids bein' kids" activities
Makenna doesn't know if she wants to smile at us or not.

Deven enjoys Jakey's birthday cupcakes.

Jakey likes tractors and loves sitting on Jerpa's lawnmower.

Makenna warms up to a friendly face.

Derek holds Jakey so he can play in the water.

Hey, Daren, aren't you too big for that?

Makenna doing "crunches".
Deven, Claire, Will, and friend John are cracking acorns for their "squirrel rest stop".
John, Will and Claire show the sign for the rest stop for squirrels.

On Sunday afternoon Colby launched a rubber ball, and it landed in a branch of our tree. For the next hour, Colby and Derek threw balls in the air trying to knock it out. This video is a condensed version of their attempts.

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