Thursday, September 02, 2010

This mural is on the side of the Habitat for Humanity Restore, where we like to go in and browse all the home and garden items.  Occasionally, we find a good deal.

On the day before school was supposed to start Claire, Will, and I went to Meadowbrook Park.  Will wanted to show us one of his Geocaching finds, but he couldn't remember exactly where it was.  Next time we'll take the GPS.

Claire and Will enjoyed posing on the many sculptures at the park, and of course, playing on the playground, even though the high population concerned Will.
We stayed with Claire, Will, and Jakey a couple evenings last week so their parents could attend "Meet the Teacher" night.  Jakey wanted us to sit on this ball with him, although it was a bit small for big people.

Oh yes, Jerpa had to sit on the ball too.

Uncle Bud has been cruzin' all summer.  This is one of his cars, a '56 Chevy.

Here he is with his "pride and joy", a '30 Ford.

Will has started soccer for the Fall season. 

Will with his soccer teammates and Coach Keven.

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