Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas is quickly approaching, and the grandkids are on a "Santa High".

Teagan's Chrismas Program was held last week for the K-5 grades. Teagan on left in the front row.

This is John wearing a "sporty" Santa Hat for his Christmas Program.

Teagan's class sings Este Es La Navidad

Grace, in her Santa hat, watches the teachers sing for Santa.

Will had a sleepover at our house. This was the first time he stayed away from home "willingly". He likes to play Monopoly with Jerpa . . . and win.

Claire and Jakey do the "Santa Dance".

Will wanted to sleep by the TV and stay up late. I don't know what time he decided to go to sleep, but this is how I found him when I got up in the AM. He said that it was "at least midnight".

AND we awoke to our first snowfall.

The Roselle Townsends have had a lot more snow than we have. Here's the snowlady that Daren, Mason, and Deven built.

Mason and a friend built this fortress around the front step to keep the Fed Ex man out.

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